How To Backup Your Site With Filezilla

How To Backup Your Site With Filezilla And The FTP Server

how to backup your site with filezilla

You may have heard it many times that you should backup your website and the database on your computer. You can backup your website using the cPanel. Do you know how to backup your site with Filezilla?

How to use Filezilla? In this post, I am going to tell you the procedure to backup website using Filezilla.

Filezilla is the tool to use which can be connected to the FTP server to handle your website. As I have mentioned in the previous posts that you can download any file using Filezilla.

How To Take Backup Using Filezilla

First of all, you should how to set up Filezilla to connect to FTP server. There are two ways defined in my previous posts. You can use the “Quickconnect” method or the “sitemanager” method to connect to the FTP server. You can choose the connection type while connecting with the site manager. You can ever store your session in the Filezilla.

To back up with Filezilla, you have to follow some easy steps and the backup of your website would be on your computer soon.

Step 1:- First of all, download the Filezilla and install it on your computer.

Step 2:- After that, set up the Filezilla and connect to the FTP server of your web hosting account.

Step 3:- You may see four parts in the Filezilla. In the upper-left part, you may see the desktop option. Right-click on that and choose to “create directory“. You will be asked to name the directory. You can name it anything you want. Just like “website backup” and save it.

Step 4:- You would see that on the desktop of your computer, a new folder with the name “website backup” would have created.

Step 5:- In the lower-left part of the Filezilla, the folder would be seen. If you want to backup all the files in this folder then double-click on that folder. If you want to download all of the files and folders on the desktop then you choose the desktop option.

But you know that all the files won’t look good on your desktop. So it’s good to store them in one folder. So choose the newly created directory or folder.

Step 6:- In the lower-right part of the Filezilla, you may see all the files and directories present on your web hosting account’s cPanel. If you want to download all the files then select all and right-click to download.

But what if you want to download some specific folders and files like “public_html”. You can do that with the right-click on the “public_html” and then select the download option.

As you have selected the “website backup” folder earlier, so the backup will get started to download in that folder. The time can’t be decided. Depending on the size of your website and the files, the download will get completed. Within a few minutes, the backup of your website would be stored on the hard drive.

Have You Ever Tried To Backup Website Using Filezilla

You may be thinking why would you need Filezilla to backup your website when you can do that from the cPanel? It is because when the size of your website is bigger then it won’t be easy to backup your website from the cPanel.

If you want to know how to backup your site with Filezilla then you should know how to set up it.

Have you ever tried Filezilla? Well, if you haven’t tried then follow the above-mentioned steps and the backup of your website would be easy to store on the hard drive.

If you face any difficulty while using Filezilla or in its set up then I am here to help you.

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by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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